About Me

About me….About me… Hmm. Well, as long as I have two pennies to rub together and a full stomach I’m typically someone with a good sense of humor and a touch of sarcasm. I’m STILL currently in the process of obtaining my master’s in mental health counseling since I took a break after having my beautiful, absolutely amazing baby girl in January 2012.  I’m interested in the arts and, in my opinion, talented. Kinda crazy how I can play an instrument, perform, did ballet and dance, draw and paint just to go into psychology and counseling. Yep… I saw that coming. JUST to let you KNOW, I am proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

ΔΣΘ OO-OOP, My Sorors!! ΔΣΘ

It’s a Diva thing 😉

My dislikes: politics, butterflies (they’re evil!!!), and beeswax. Oh, yeah, I don’t like spending a lot of money ESPECIALLY if I can do it MYSELF. So there. I’m cheap, frugal, broke–whatever you want to call it. If you’re cheap too, then we’ll get along great. Glad, we have an understanding.

About my locs: I started them and maintained them myself. No professional or anyone to really guide me. Therefore, I have learned a lot! I get a lot of compliments on my hair and talk to people until I’m out of breath about how to maintain their locs. there are times where I felt I was missing something or left out a few details. It didn’t dawn on me until two years later to compose a blog where all the information I have learned and collected is all in one place! Why didn’t anyone think of this! So here I am. Writing about things that I am passionate about. Particularly,  lovely locs and more specifically, yours. Enjoy and Godspeed.

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24 Responses to “About Me”

  1. Cool. I’m really loving your locs. I’ve just had my sisterlocks installed in May and much to my consultant’s dismay have decided to self-maintain myself. I’ll be sure to check out your blog, maybe i can get some inspiration and pointers . :o)

    • What better way to understand you locs than to maintaining them yourself? Hey, check out my blog whenever you want! I hope your journey goes well!

  2. Hello Soror!!! I’m loving your blog and your locs. Beautiful. Thanks for checking out my blog earlier this month. Take care and be blessed.


  3. Hey Soror. I love your locs. My hair has been locked for one year now. I am going to read your blog for tips!

    Delta Love,
    Twitter: 1913Sista

  4. just watched a few of your videos and tutorials. i heart you! 🙂

  5. wats up

  6. Love the Natural Look…I too am natural and loc’d up. Nice Blog

  7. Love ur locs! I am planning on getting locs myself, much to the dismay of my mom, sister, and son. My husband is on the fence (lol)! I thank you so much for your blog. I wanted to get sisterlocks b/c I like the small size, but I refuse to 1) take a class to maintain them myself, or 2) pay someone to maintain them. I don’t go to the salon, put my own perms in, press it myself, etc. After reading ur blog, I am seriously considering doing my own either using TST or palm rolling. I am so nervous and excited all at once! I am not planning to cut off the permed ends until the locs have formed (i think). U are truly an inspiration to me (a fellow cheapskate!), and I hope I can make the right decision!

  8. Your hair is beautiful. Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures, good luck with your Master’s program.

  9. your locs are beautiful,ive had locs for 3months and ive decided to start maintaining my locs myself and i need a lot of help,and i think you are the best person to give me that help

  10. hey 4tress just checkin upi on ya. still luvin the blogspot!

  11. Hey, I was not expecting to run across your blog but I’m so glad I did!!!! GO Mama!

  12. I was wondering what color did you use to color your locs??…it looks nice

    • There isn’t an exact “color” per se in my locs, but there was a combination of colors I’ve used. I didn’t lift my hair color prior to dyeing my locs, but I used a burgundy/red color (from Creme of Nature) the first time I dyed my locs (that’s what I was aiming for). Instead of becoming burgundy, it gave my locs a reddish tint. Maybe another 6 months to a year, I dyed it again with the same color, but a little lighter color hoping it would’ve gave me a better result. Nope, just a little bit more reddish tint. SO… After discovering that I needed to lift my hair color, I said screw it, I’m going for a blonde color. I used the next to the lightest blonde (Clairol) and viola, this color came to be. First, I didn’t think that the dye didn’t do squat, but after a couple shampoos I saw the color. I was first like, EEK!! Then the orangey color kinda faded and the true color finally set. So there it is!
      **All of these products came from Wal-Mart, by the way. However, this is all before I dyed my hair a new color this year that you all will see soon! 🙂

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